Seems like even in my old, old age I make the same mistakes time and time again - that one-too-many glass of red wine on a weekday (my children always wake up at 5:30 a.m. the day after these decisions), buying the 4 inch wedges on clearance when I know I don't have nearly enough social outings to justify a thong sandal much less a sexy wedge, oh the list goes on.
I have thought many times before how fun it would be to go through life again with the knowledge I have now and not make those mistakes I made. How fabulous and popular I would be! But then again, I wouldn't be me, so I guess that's the reason God makes us struggle through the awkward mistakes. Here's what I would tell my former selves.
8 year old Sarah
I know you love these bows but they are obnoxious. Also, your bangs are bad and your teeth are growing in super wonky. Just get ready you are going to have braces for 4 years pretty soon. So you better start working on your personality girl because you're gonna need it.
13 year old Sarah
Oh Please do not do this. Do not shave in between your eyebrows. THIS IS A BAD IDEA. No good will come of this.
It was a typical hot Texas day. I came home from school in a determined mood. It was a Friday and I was hot on my heels to do something crazy. Change my look, stop being such an awkward teenager and wouldn't it be so fun to go back Monday with a whole new look? I skipped up to the bathroom and examined my face. Just as I had been thinking for weeks, my eyebrows were beginning to take over my face. Like angry growing caterpillars they seemed to become bushier by the second. I spent most of the day licking my pinkies and attempting to get them to lie down and I blamed this obsession with why I was barely passing science. But I was mortified to ask someone for help, so instead of plucking a few hairs with a tweezer, I went to my only other known option, Mr. Razor Blade. The kind that most people use to shave their LEGS, not their FACE. I wielded that scary little guy right down the center of my eyebrows, and you know what I got? The weirdest looking eyebrows ever, that were still bushy, and now just started in the middle of my eyebrow arch.
This was bad, and to this day my left eyebrow still hasn't grown in evenly to my right. But it's such a lesson God has taught me over and over again, as he patiently waits for me to catch up and learn. As the Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20, our body is His Temple - "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?" Such a good reminder that we are all so lucky to have been created in him and that these vain thoughts really just hurt us.
18-22 year old Sarah
Drink a little less. Care what people think a lot less. Cherish this time. All you have to think about is yourself. In just 4 years you will have to think about your husband, a new baby, and do you want more babies?! It's about to get very real, so just enjoy these moments when your biggest decision is whether to join Kristen at the bar for a beer on the way back from the library. Enjoy these moments with your girlfriends. You are lucky to have people like this in your life.
26 year old Sarah
Post baby #1. It is not ok to wear pajama jeans. Ever. I know that they look really cute, and it's 1:30 a.m. and you're bored out of your mind nursing your little baby boy and your new mom lumps are flowing out over your real life full cotton pajamas. And that none of your jeans fit. Still, that does not make this acceptable.
Pull yourself together, slap on some blush and mascara, and get out of the house. It doesn't matter if you have reached your pre-baby weight or you're 50 lbs off. Get it together and get excited about life for the sake of you and your new baby.
Reminders to the current Sarah
It's ok Mama. You're doing a good job. Keep your chin up!
Appreciate your stomach now. It's probably just going to get worse.
It's ok to think your boys are special. This isn't vain, and it's important to remind them too.
Encourage every mom you see. Every one. You never know whose day you're going to make by telling them that you love their blouse, their new haircut, or that their kids seem very happy, and they must be a great mom. Every positive thought you think, share it with the person. Radiate happiness so that it bounces back to you.
Be kind to your husband, he's a great man and he deserves it.
You can't hug your kids too much.
You can't take too many naps. Yes, you! Stop washing the dishes and lie down. Everyone else is napping, why shouldn't you!?