As I mentioned the other day, I have no idea what to wear. I went to our local Post Oak Mall on Monday, and if you are in College Station you will know what is coming next - our mall just plain stinks! I adore clothes, so it is probably for the best since our budget is quite tight right now, but man, there are times I wonder who is in charge over there. It just a hot mess of outdated non-chain stores that make it feel like it's 1982, a lot of elderly mall walkers (I respect y'all, you just aren't helping my dress cause) and a pretzel stand that challenges my willpower whenever I make it over there.
*Side note-Of course I got a pretzel Monday. However they were rolling the pretzels with just one glove on, one hand naked, and while I was able to shrug it off because I wanted the salty goodness so bad, I would like to warn all you other Auntie Annie Lovers that it's a bit of a health hazard up in that kiosk.
Ok so anyway, back to my dress dilemma. I went in Forever21 for a loooong time - I didn't have my sweet baby boy so I had the chance to try on quite a few options. However, I have come to a realization. It is that I am 28 years old, and dresses from this store are just going to be too short on this mama for a classy event like ball. Now, I still love the store for trendy options that I can get for cheap like scarves and skinny jeans. However, it seemed like each dress was shorter than the last! And this event is quite classy, with many women in long dresses. So if i'm going to opt for short, I feel it needs to bring an element of class I just didn't find in Forever21.
So after a long time trying on dresses and finding nothing, I left exxasperated (there's no way I spelled this word right. And I can't find spell check on here. I have lots to learn with blogging). I strolled over to Charlotte Russe, which was crazy because it's the exact same type of store. However, I found myself drawn to the shoe section, and thought, well if I find a fun new pair of heels, that might spice up a dress I already own and make me feel special!? So I bought the heels below, and they are wild. They are funky and spiky and different and the man working in Charlotte Russe, who I wanted to fold up and take home in my pocket, told me they were statement shoes. He also told me I had dainty feet. Probably should have run then, but instead I bought these fabulous weapons/shoes.
After I left Charlotte Russe, I began to trek back to my car. I mulled over the fact that I had just spent almost 30 dollars on shoes with huge silver spikes on them. I imagined my husband's crinkled brow that would appear when I showed him the shoes, and the thoughtful way he pauses before saying something like "Oh. Are fashion?" HAHA! I thought about how I don't really do anything in my life to warrant spiked nude heels, because really, was I going to wear them to the grocery? And then I imagined walking into Charity Ball in them, and feeling like I was trendy, tall, and like my calf muscles might look nice. And so I kept on walking.
When I got home, I really looked through my closet and tried to find a few dresses that I thought would work for this weekend. As I looked, I realized the options I had wouldn't all go with the spiked heels, and I really want to wear them. But at the same time, most people probably won't even notice my shoes, and once I really start to boogie, the shoes are coming off anyway. So I need to decide on an outfit that will have me dazzling overall. So here below are what I think my options are.....
I haven't worn this dress since my honeymoon. It will be interesting to see what it looks like on my post-baby body. I should have taken a picture of the back. It's neat and a cross strap and quite fun. The dress is hunter green and those shoes are GOLD GLITTER HEELS! Yes, I like outrageous, closet candy shoes. I can't help it! Sorry about the picture quality on this blog. As of now, I'm just winging it with my Iphone... This dress is fun, it's satin, strapless, has a pretty floral pattern, and it is very fitted. Inside it has a built in corset that I love because it sort of forces you to stand straight and thus look thinner. My worry is that it's outdated. Is the floral pattern a bit too "fabric on the chairs at a chinese restaurant"? Not sure. But I thought it would be a fun offset to what I will now refer to as my killer shoes.

Thanks for reading:)
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