So, as much as I love to bump into people, I usually want this to be my hour of silence, so I have found this little whole in the wall place in Bryan where I assume I will never see anyone. The problem is, these women have decided because they have no customers, pretty much anything goes. There is one woman in this nail place who never has shoes on. I pretty much try to avoid being partnered with her. She seems bitter, though I am not sure about what. There is a man and a woman who I'm assuming are married, who are always sharing very implied glances -if you know what I mean - at one another, and at times disappears for what I can only assume is a makeout session in the back ally. I'm happy for them.
Then there's Monica. Monica is my girl. If she is in and free, I am with her. I like that she's usually pretty quiet and respectful of my immediate leap into Star Magazine. However, today Monica took things a step farther. I've been going to this place about 2 years now, probably every 2 or 3 months. To my calculations that's about 12 times, so she has probably been dying waiting for the opportunity to ask me what she asked me today. Today I felt chatty, and the Star Magazine I was looking at was from 2009, so I wasn't getting any fresh gossip. We began to talk about beauty routines, and I was asking her about her skin care, because if you haven't noticed, the Chinese women have just outstanding skin. We banter about creams and serums for a bit before she looks extremely stressed, like she just has to get something off her chest. She tells me doesn't want to "hurt my feelings," but that she believes it would be in my best interest to wax my lip. It will make my face appear brighter, she stammers as I wiggle uncomfortably in the chair. Ummmm. WHAT?! I felt warmth on my face and I knew I was beet red. There was an 80 year old woman in the chair next to me whom I am POSITIVE heard the conversation and gave me a look of pity. I could see it in her eyes though. She agreed.
So here I was in this awkward situation. First of all, I don't wax my lip. I suppose I could, but then there I would be, needing to get it waxed again in 2 weeks! Unfortunately my life just doesn't lend itself to this sort of schedule. So I decided about 2 years ago I would stop the waxing all together. Come to think of it, this was around the time I started frequenting Pretty Nail (just one nail??), so for all I know, this has been on Monica's mind for 2 years, keeping her up at night, and she's finally got it off her conscious. Come to think of it she did look relieved. But overall, I felt this was actually a very freeing decision for me. It's hard enough to keep up with my hair highlights! I can't be waxing around town all willy nilly.
Here's where my issue comes in with society overall, though: we have gone wax crazy. Don't you think God put those hairs above our mouth and ahem, other places for a reason? Can't we all just ban together and agree to stop pulling out the hairs, because it hurst, and it's a pain to keep it up, and then we will have more time to go get ice cream? I posted this experience today on facebook, and I received comments from people reminding me of something I heard of years ago - people are now waxing their whole face. I remember when I heard of this and I tried to block it out as if I'd never heard of it. I wince at the eyebrow waxing, why would I need that on my cheek?! This is getting out of control!
4 years ago, I got a bikini wax before my wedding. Now's a good a time as any to try this out, I figured. Well, I did not last the entire time and I will never forget that horrendous experience. Some lady who I remembered in my mind as having a German accent but probably did not, pinned me down and I swear, it was the WORST pain ever, and I had a child naturally without an epidural and ran a 32 mile ultra marathon! I don't think I'm a sissy. I considered going back to the torture chamber when I was pregnant, because as we all know, the pikachu is on full display as you deliver your little miracle, but then I decided they were just going to have to rough it with me. Because at some point, the madness must just stop! I mean I know Monica at Pretty Nail had my best interest at heart. But what she didn't realize when she so innocently suggested I get rid of my mustache was, I am on anti-hair removal rampage. That's right friends. I didn't even know it until today, but it has begun. Who knows, maybe with a little bit of effort and a good sense of humor, we could be putting those laser places and waxing torture chambers out of business! Well, a girl can dream.....
I don't think I was clear about this, and I know all 7 of my readers will be dying to know-no, I did not go through with the waxing. And yes, Monica (and ironically the woman who doesn't wear shoes) looked incredibly dissapointed in me. Join with me, if you dare, and stop waxing, plucking and removing!
*While I was blogging I decided to google-image "ladies with mustaches." Alarmingly, this picture below came up along with about 125 pictures of Madonna. Sooo I guess Madonna and I are on the same page.

hi sara!
ReplyDeletei came over at your sweet mother in law's suggestion
and am so glad i did! i feel like i am back at college
with HER! you remind me so much of her.
sweet, funny, insightful!
Are you a Julie Burkett mini me????
ReplyDeletehi sara,
ReplyDeleteyour mother in law and i cheered together at PC..she recommended this read...i'm so impressed. i knew you guys would all be witty and down to earth. kudos. keeping it real though...i did try to wax my own face a few years back...and pulled a 2" strip of my skin off of my forehead. guess it's just not as "elastic" as it used to be. :) i do, however, still burn off my own brown age spots with the frozen otc wart remover. works like a charm.
Too funny! I was just thinking how bad my brows were getting. I can barely find the time to pluck much less wax. Awww...motherhood! It is crazy how things change. Love the blog!
Totally agree!!! I was told one time by one of the sweet little ladies at the nail salon....It will make you look more like a lady!!! I think my boobs take care of that!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow did I miss this? you are off-the-chain hilarious. good grief.